Next time you’re struggling to get some shuteye, just be glad that your noggin doesn’t “explode” when you finally nod off. Exploding head syndrome is a real sleep-related condition—and it’s more common than experts previously thought , according to Washington State University findings.

If you’ve ever been startled by a disturbingly loud boom—think, a gun or bomb going off in your brain—while on the verge of falling asleep, you’ve experienced the disorder. 

Though it isn’t usually painful, it’s both shocking and scary.  “People might think that they’re having a seizure,” says study author Brian Sharpless, Ph.D. 

Previously, experts thought that exploding head syndrome was rare and occurred mostly in women over 50. But Sharpless’s study shows that the condition is fairly common, and affects young women and men.  In fact, when researchers interviewed 211 college students, almost 20 percent reported having experienced it.


What’s Going on in My Brain?

Because exploding head syndrome hasn’t been well studied, doctors still aren’t sure what causes it. But there are theories.

“Essentially, you’re having a misfire in the part of your brain that’s responsible for having you transition from wakefulness to sleep,” Sharpless says. “Instead of shutting down your auditory neurons, your brain causes them to fire all at once.” And that’s when you hear that boom. 

Why that misfire occurs, though, is anyone’s guess. It could have something to do with not getting enough sleep. 

“We know that it’s more likely to occur with disrupted sleep, and with college students, their sleep isn’t the most consistent,” Sharpless says. Dealing with high levels of stress or anxiety—both enemies of quality sleep—might also play a role. 


Is My Exploding Head a Problem?

The syndrome, while scary, is usually benign. 

“No one’s ever died from the episodes, but they can be distressing,” Sharpless says.

In fact, as long as your exploding head isn’t causing you any physical discomfort, you probably don’t even need to see the doctor. (But if you feel anything more than mild pain or that exploding head syndrome is severely disrupting your life, it’s time to make an appointment.)

One important note: The study did find that people with isolated sleep paralysis (ISP)—an inability to move your muscles during sleep—were more likely to have exploding head syndrome than the general population. “Exploding head syndrome can precede ISP, sort of like how some people get an aura before a migraine,” says Sharpless. Having both probably isn’t cause for concern, but it’s a good idea to bring them up to your doctor. 

The problem, though, is there isn’t a whole lot medical pros can do for exploding head. So far, the treatments that experts have tried—including antidepressants, anticonvulsants, or calcium blockers—haven’t been shown to work. Though according to the American Sleep Association, regularly getting a minimum of six hours of shuteye could make a difference.  

The Best Sleep Positions

But there might be some light at the end of the (very) noisy tunnel. Some research suggests that just knowing that you have this weird condition—and that it’s usually no big deal, health-wise—can actually cause people to have fewer episodes. 

“Learning the fact that other people have it too, that there’s a name for it, and that it’s not scary can help to normalize the experience,” says Sharpless. 

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