Home Living Healthy Men's Health The Nutrition Strategy That Holds off the Grim Reaper

The Nutrition Strategy That Holds off the Grim Reaper


Fill up on fiber to fend off the Grim Reaper. After analyzing data from multiple studies, South Korean researchers recently estimated that for every 10 extra grams (g) of fiber you add to your daily diet, your risk of premature death can drop by 11 percent. 

The researchers found that fiber from cereal grains had the most protective effect.

“Cereal fiber is a component of whole grains, which contain a number of minerals and polyphenols that have a high antioxidant potential and may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and total mortality,” says study author Youjin Je, Sc.D.

Even though cereal fiber proved most beneficial, fiber in general helps you out in a major way: It can reduce cholesterol, increase feelings of fullness, and prevent blood sugar spikes after eating—all important factors for people who don’t want to kick the bucket too soon.

The average guy currently takes in about 19 g of fiber a day, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. But the daily recommended amount is 38 g, or 14 g for every 1,000 calories you eat. 

That’s a perfectly reasonable target with a good basis in science, says Men’s Health nutrition advisor Alan Aragon, M.S. But you don’t really have to fixate on hitting a specific number, he says. Instead, focus on making whole or minimally-refined foods—a mixture of plant and animal sources—the predominant parts of your diet.

And when choosing grains, select fiber-rich, whole-grain sources (like whole-wheat bread) rather than the refined kinds (like white bread), advises Mike Roussell, Ph.D., a Men’s Health nutrition advisor. 

Try to take in a minimum of three servings of fibrous vegetables like broccoli or Brussels sprouts, two whole fruits like raspberries or apples, and a handful of nuts like almonds each day. Shoot for eating beans and legumes at least 3 to 4 days a week. And choose grain sources that pack the biggest fiber punch, like oats and quinoa, says Aragon. 

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