Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Tags Aging

Tag: aging

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs, Toenail Fungus, and Other...

Did you floss today? Not your teeth, but your skin tags, those dangling doohickeys that are usually caused by skin-to-skin friction. Tying off a tag strangles the blood supply, says Martha Simpson, D.O., an associate professor of family medicine at Ohio U...

5 Scary Things That Happen to Your Penis When You Age

This is not a story about what might happen to your penis as you age. It’s not about potential risks or Any of These Crazy Penis Conditions that happen when, say, you “accidentally” put your dong in a hay bailer. (For the record, please don't do that. Eve...

Health Secrets of Celebrities Who Lived to Be 100

Few people live to see an entire century.  That elusive third digit is very hard to reach, and there seems to be a lot of conflicting opinions on how to get there.  (Take our four-step longevity predictor and assess whether You Will Live to Be 100.)

The Sleep Problem That Can Mess with Your Brain

Snoring like a chainsaw doesn’t just make your girl lose her mind—it messes with yours, too. Men with certain sleep issues are more likely to develop problems in their brains that are linked to dementia , finds new research from the VA Pacific Islands Hea...

The Weird Way Soda Messes With Your DNA

You know that drinking too much soda can give you an unwanted gut, but not all of its effects may be so visible. New research from the University of California at San Francisco suggests that people who guzzle sugary sodas might experience faster aging in...