Sunday, February 23, 2025
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6 Reasons Your ED Drug Isn’t Working

If your erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs don’t have you rising to the occasion, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re out of luck. Many men who fail to respond to ED meds are taking them incorrectly , finds new research from Spain. 

Why Scratching an Itch Only Makes It Worse

Keep your hands to yourself! Scratching your itch can actually cause it to return even stronger, says a new study from the Washington University in St. Louis.  

The Weird Way Soda Messes With Your DNA

You know that drinking too much soda can give you an unwanted gut, but not all of its effects may be so visible. New research from the University of California at San Francisco suggests that people who guzzle sugary sodas might experience faster aging in...

The Best Way to Take Your Own Blood Pressure

In a new study from the University of South Carolina School of Medicine-Greenville, researchers found that people who saw their doctors at least twice a year were more than three times as likely to keep their high blood pressure stable than those who made...

Reason #1,758 Why Exercise Is Awesome

Sweat away your stress. Men who are fit and active feel more prepared to tackle a packed to-do list , finds new research from Finland. 

How Your Job Could Be Giving You Asthma

A shaky 9-to-5 is no fun for your lungs. People who think they’re in danger of losing their jobs might be more likely to develop adult-onset asthma than those who feel secure , new research from Germany reveals.

The Surprising Side Effect of Energy Drinks

If you’re looking for an extra push during your workout, you might want to be careful about what you’re chugging to get it. Drinking caffeinated energy drinks before working out can make your sleep suffer later on , new research from Spain suggests.

The Nutrition Strategy That Holds off the Grim Reaper

Fill up on fiber to fend off the Grim Reaper. After analyzing data from multiple studies, South Korean researchers recently estimated that for every 10 extra grams (g) of fiber you add to your daily diet, your risk of premature death can drop by 11 percen...

The Real Reason Why You Binge Eat

After you’ve double-fisted Cheetos, you’re probably looking for an excuse to explain that empty bag. Unfortunately, you can’t equate those salty snacks with a compulsion: A review from the U.K concluded that the food you eat doesn’t have any addictive pro...

The Easy Test That Can Diagnose Your Depression

For decades, doctors have been relying on small vials of your red stuff to tell them important information about your heart, kidneys, and other organs. Now, your brain might be able to join the party: Researchers from Northwestern University recently deve...