Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Tag: weight loss

13 Ways To Stay Sane When You're Trying To Lose Weight

We members of the to tell us the biggest challenges they faced on their journeys to transform their health and wellness and how they overcame obstacles to motivation. We got tons of stories about lifestyle transformation, and in particular we got insight...

17 Things You Don't Know About Your Metabolism

Calories in, calories out doesn’t even begin to cover it.

19 High-Protein Breakfasts To Keep You Energized All Day Long

It’s the most important meal of the day.

Terrified of the Dentist? Here’s Why It’s Probably Your Dad’s Fault

Hate getting your chompers cleaned? Blame your dad. You’re more likely to fear the dentist if he freaks your father out, according to researchers at the University of Madrid. They found that kids with dads who didn’t like the tooth man were twice as like...

The Invention That Could End Obesity – BuzzFeed News

A Michigan surgeon invented an apparatus that he believes tricks the brain into thinking the stomach is full.