Home Living Healthy Men's Health Why Viagra Won’t Fix Your Sex Life

Why Viagra Won’t Fix Your Sex Life


Popping a pill might not be the answer to all your bedroom woes: Guys who take certain meds for their erectile dysfunction (ED) still report problems with their sex lives , finds new research from the U.K. 

Even though a whopping 80 percent of men over 50 who use PDE5 inhibitors—a class of ED drugs that includes Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra—say the meds have a positive or very positive effect on getting busy, they still experience some snags. 

In the study, these men reported more difficulty reaching orgasm and higher levels of concern with their sexual activity, function, and relationships than guys without ED.

Studies have shown that PDE5 inhibitors are effective in helping men achieve and maintain an erection good enough for sexual activity, says study author David Lee, Ph.D. But a man’s overall perception of his sex life depends on more than just simple restoration of erectile function, Lee says. 

Some of the issues the guys reported in the study—for example, fewer erections in the morning—may have to do with the fact the meds are only effective for a short time after you take them, explains Lee. And the pills can also diminish sexual spontaneity, which can affect satisfaction. 

So even though drugs like Viagra can help you rise to the occasion, they won’t erase all lingering concerns you might have about your member. The best thing you can do is maintain honest expectations when you take the medication—and engage in a back-and-forth with your doctor about what’s realistic and what’s not. (Sadly, all the little blue pills in the world won’t bring back your teenage libido. If only!) 

Plus, ED may not just be a physical thing—psychological causes also come into play, especially in younger guys, Lee says. And since PDE5 inhibitors won’t do squat for those kinds of issues, working through the with a sex therapist can be important, too. 

The Best Medicines for Erectile Dysfunction

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