Life doesn’t get easier. You just get stronger.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

When you voice your opinion on something you really care about.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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When you let yourself feel how you feel, instead of holding it all in.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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Feeling emotions doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human.

When you ask someone for help, even though your ego is begging you not to.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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It takes a lot of bravery to admit to your limitations and ask for help when you need it.

When you meet and talk with someone face-to-face instead of through text and email.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave / Via

When you face an uncomfortable issue you’ve been trying to avoid.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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It’s the uncomfortable things that challenge you and make you stronger.

When you make a list of all the things you’ve been putting off and check them off one by one.

This week's free download is live! Oh, if only I had just a "few" to-dos on my list! {}

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Whether it’s a simple project around the house or a huge career change, it’s easy to push things back and make excuses for why now is just not a good time. The possibility of failure is terrifying, and it’s extremely brave when you refuse to let that fear keep you from the things you want to accomplish.

When you stick up for someone who’s being picked on.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

Warner Bros. Pictures / Via

It’s extremely hard to go against the crowd even when it’s for something you know is right. Be extremely proud of yourself for that.

When you start up a conversation with a stranger.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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It can be nerve-wracking to start talking to someone you don’t know. But it can also be worth it!

When you say yes to something you really want.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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Sometimes what we want is ‘embarrassing’ or ‘out of the ordinary.’ It’s brave to risk the judgement from others and say yes to it anyway.

When you say no to something you really don’t want, even though it’s going to upset people around you.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

Saying no can be really hard. But understanding you have limitations and learning to say no to things you don’t want is a huge and important step in learning how to take care of yourself.

When you cook a food you’ve never tried before.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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You’re trying something new with no clue how it’s going to turn out. Venturing out of your comfort zone is difficult so make sure to give yourself credit for that.

When you stand up for yourself and your values.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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It’s not easy, that’s for sure.

When you’re the first to reach out and say I’m sorry.

It’s terrifying admitting you’re wrong and being the first to apologize. Not knowing how that person is going to respond makes you extremely vulnerable. But it’s brave to put your own feelings aside to do what you know is right.

When you accept that you just can’t control everything, even though that thought makes you anxious.

Preach it #cantcontroleverything #focusonwhatyoucan #kushandwisdom

A photo posted by Annissa Robertson (@annissa5) on

Understanding that you can’t make everyone happy, that bad things are going to happen to good people, and that you’re never going to know what the future holds is an extremely brave thing that people struggle with every day.

When you willingly ask for feedback.

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Receiving feedback from a mentor or your peers can be nerve-wracking, which is why a lot of people try to avoid it all together. ASKING for feedback is scary and brave — and can also be a smart way to improve whatever you’re trying to do.

When you speak up and ask a question.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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Asking a question in front of a big group takes guts, especially when it seems like you’re the only one who may need clarification. How many times has someone thanked you for asking something they were too afraid to? It’s hard to make yourself vulnerable and admit to not knowing something.

When you give yourself a compliment.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

Universal Studios / Via

It’s extremely easy to be mean to yourself. It’s a lot harder going against your insecurities and self doubt to give yourself a reminder about why you love being you.

When you don’t react negatively to criticism.

A little bit of advice worth holding on to (via @adamjk)

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When someone criticizes you, it can really bruise your ego and might make you feel defensive. It shows bravery and maturity when you take that person’s opinion and learn from it without lashing out.

When you stop doing everything you can to make yourself busy.

That's new. #ilovetheendofthesemester #sleepy #finalsareover #clearschedule

A photo posted by Bobby Brito (@bobby3893) on

Keeping busy is the easiest way to avoid all the issues and emotions you’re too afraid to face. Allowing yourself alone time can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable.

When you dine out by yourself, in spite of what people will think about you.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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When you set boundaries and stick to them.

#Precious #Self #Boundaries #Love #Acceptance #SelfWorth #Heart #Teacher #Friends #Gratitude #Grateful @siviaryann

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When you take a second to laugh at yourself.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave

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It’s so easy to get flustered and anxious when you make a mistake or when things don’t go according to plan. It takes bravery to face your anxiety by taking a second to laugh at yourself, relax, and know that things are going to be okay.

When you celebrate your successes.

25 Small Actions That Are Actually Really Brave / Via

Take the time to acknowledge your hard work and be proud of your accomplishments — and don’t feel embarrassed by it! You deserve to enjoy the rewards of your efforts.

When you decide to forgive yourself for a mistake you made in the past.

#recovery #forgivemyself #love

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Mistakes you’ve made and situations you feel you could’ve changed have the ability to haunt you for years if you let it. It takes so much courage to stop berating yourself about the past and accept things for what they are.

When you acknowledge your fear and are no longer ashamed of it.

Fear is natural and we all experience it. The goal shouldn’t be to rid yourself of fear. It should be to succeed in spite of it.

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