“Do you ever do this thing where…”
We recently women of the BuzzFeed Community to share exactly what they talk about when they talk about sex with their friends. And they did not disappoint! Here, just a few of the many types of sex talks you’ve probably had too:
When you have sex with someone new for the first time.
Comedy Central
Inquiring minds need to know.
When you FINALLY have an orgasm with your new squeeze. FINALLY.
ABC / Via replygif.net
Because, noteworthy.
When you’re so horny you could hump a tree.
SNL Studios / Via reactiongifs.com
Or just the general discussion of how long it’s been since you’ve had sex.
Columbia Pictures / Via fuckyeahcruelintentions.tumblr.com
When you honestly would have rather skipped the foreplay.
Because, like, what was going on there?
When you brag about your go-to technique that you know you’re amazing at.
With educational hand gestures, of course.
Whenever a person’s genitals are particularly noteworthy.
Comedy Central / Via reddit.com
Like in terms of size, shape, color, party tricks, whatever.
When you’re really excited to tell your friend about a recent hookup and then you realize you’re in the grocery store and there are children around.
Quick — to the condom aisle!
And when you rely on completely unsubtle innuendos that everyone around you understands.
Universal Pictures / Via fuckyeahbridesmaids.tumblr.com
When you want to know if other people do that same thing you do.
Yahoo / Via realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
Otherwise known as the “Is this normal?” talk. And the answer is pretty much always yes.
When you hook up with someone whose desires are… unconventional.
Bravo / Via realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
Pretty much any out-of-the-ordinary request, fetish, or sex move will be discussed and debated in great detail. No judgements, but…it’s a hell of a conversation starter.
When you sometimes just really need to text your friend immediately after you sleep with someone.
BuzzFeed Life
When you’re in a long-term relationship and all your stories are about your S.O., but, whatever, you’re going to tell them anyway.
VH1 / Via icanrepeatit.com
Deal with it.
Or when your friends know your S.O. way too well for you to go into specific details, so you vaguely — but strongly — infer that things are good.
CBS / Via giphy.com
“You don’t even KNOW.”
When you have ~thoughts~ about anal.
youtube.com / Via
Whether you’re curious about it, terrified of it, or just want to talk through your feelings.
When you’re trying to get pregnant: whether or not you were ovulating.
And when you’re not trying to get pregnant: how paranoid you are about the possibility of ALREADY being pregnant.
Summit Entertainment / Via gifsofthings.tumblr.com
You used a condom and you’re on the pill, but you are CONVINCED you’re with child.
Whenever anything interesting happened after sex.
Universal Pictures / Via fuckyeahbridesmaids.tumblr.com
Like they high fived you or immediately ordered Seamless.
That casual discussion of all the pros and cons of your chosen pubic hair situation.
Comedy Central / Via themanmadecave.tumblr.com
Whether you wax, shave, laser, trim, or let it grow, it’s probably come up at least once.
When you humblebrag about the UTI you got from all the marathon sex you had last weekend.
Comedy Central
Sorry, not sorry. But actually kinda sorry, because UTIs hurt.
When your body did something weird and you’re wondering if you should call your gyno/therapist.
E! / Via crushabledotcom.tumblr.com
A strange pain, awkward spotting, or . Basically, just tell us if we’re dying or not.
Whenever something embarrassing happens that’s so mortifying it would be a sin not to tell someone.
Paramount Pictures / Via liketotallyclueless.tumblr.com
Like when you slipped during shower sex or your roommate’s date walked in on you having sex…you’re just not going to keep those gems to yourself.
If the sex was bad. Like, really bad.
The Lonely Island / Via wifflegif.com
Just let it out. Let it all out.
When you talk about how you ~think~ someone’s going to be in bed based on completely unrelated characteristics.
FOX / Via regalkinghiddles.tumblr.com
“They look like they know how to respect a woman…and make her orgasm.”
And every time you talk about how often you talk about sex.
Comedy Central / Via tv.yahoo.com
Which is basically how all of the above conversations end.
Thumbnail photo credit: Comedy Central via foxtel.tumblr.com