Normal things like kissing and handshakes suddenly look really creepy.

How much padding do you really need not to break those delicate wrists? A boxing glove does not seem like enough protection.

Hugh Turvey / Via

Yeah, yeah stilettos are STILL fashionable and somehow they’ll never go out of style, but when you see how it distorts your foot then it’s clear why those heels cause foot pain. Ouch.

Yeah, yeah stilettos are STILL fashionable and somehow they'll never go out of style, but when you see how it distorts your foot then it's clear why those heels cause foot pain. Ouch.

Hugh Turvey / Via

Don’t pretend you haven’t done this at least once in your life, but from this perspective nose picking seems a bit absurd.

Don't pretend you haven't done this at least once in your life, but from this perspective nose picking seems a bit absurd.

Hugh Turvey / Via

Can you even tell where the breast cancer tumor is? Instead of a horrific growth, it starts off so small and inconspicuous.

Can you even tell where the breast cancer tumor is? Instead of a horrific growth, it starts off so small and inconspicuous.

Hugh Turvey / Via

A handshake looks more intimate.

A handshake looks more intimate.

Hugh Turvey / Via

Water is one of the building blocks of life, but when you see it like this then it just seems so insignificant.

Water is one of the building blocks of life, but when you see it like this then it just seems so insignificant.

Hugh Turvey / Via

Clothes and skin suddenly seem so transparent and fragile.

Clothes and skin suddenly seem so transparent and fragile.

Hugh Turvey / Via

Those high-tech cell phones look like empty, simple shells in comparison to the intricate human body.

Those high-tech cell phones look like empty, simple shells in comparison to the intricate human body.

Hugh Turvey / Via

But flowers are still just as stunning.

But flowers are still just as stunning.

Hugh Turvey / Via

What does back pain look like? Turvey’s added in colorization shows us how back pain radiates throughout your body.

What does back pain look like? Turvey's added in colorization shows us how back pain radiates throughout your body. / Via Hugh Turvey

We’ve all seen devastating pictures of mouth cancer, but it looks like nothing when you see it like this.

We've all seen devastating pictures of mouth cancer, but it looks like nothing when you see it like this.

Hugh Turvey / Via

This is just a normal family touristy picture in Paris, but it will give you the chills.

This is just a normal family touristy picture in Paris, but it will give you the chills.

Hugh Turvey / Via

We’ve all seen a skull before, but those hexagons make this person’s head look like a soccer ball.

We've all seen a skull before, but those hexagons make this person's head look like a soccer ball.

Hugh Turvey / Via

How romantic is kissing, really?

How romantic is kissing, really?

Hugh Turvey / Via


This post has been updated to clarify that these images are digitally altered artworks based on x-rays. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () { document.getElementById(“update_article_update_time_5689597”).innerHTML = UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(‘1431013423’, ‘update’); });

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