It’s not you, it’s me.

Social anxiety is more complicated than just ~fearing~ people.

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It’s fearing getting judged by those people, offending them, saying something stupid to them, humiliating yourself in front of them. The possibilities are endless, and we’ve probably thought of every. single. one.

There are little stupid things that make us uncomfortable that you wouldn’t even think of.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

Sometimes it’s party anxiety and small talk with strangers — but sometimes it’s holding onto a browning apple core for an hour during a meeting because the thought of standing up and crossing the room to throw it away seems on par with medieval torture.

Vague texts like, “Hey, can I ask you something?” are a unique circle of hell.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

What? What do you want us to ask me? Why didn’t you just text the question first? Please get straight to the point so those three little dots don’t haunt our nightmares.

We probably won’t be the first one to invite you out, but we will drop hints.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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“Oh, I don’t have any plans yet, you?” = “If you were to invite me out, I’d be so down for that, but I’m not going to ask myself because aasdfasfdsfkjsaflsf.”

And you shouldn’t stop inviting us to things because we turn down invitations or cancel plans.

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21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better / Via


Sometimes we just can’t. It doesn’t mean we won’t want to in the future.

Talking us into going to a party and then leaving us to fend for ourselves is the ultimate act of betrayal.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better


You probably have more socially anxious friends than you realize.

Socially anxious =/= shy or introverted, so your outgoing friends aren’t immune to the struggle even if it’s not immediately obvious.

We don’t expect you to know what to say when we’re struggling.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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The ~right~ thing to say doesn’t exist. Listening is enough.

But we probably don’t want to hear tips that got you through that one time you were kinda anxious about that one thing.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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Example: “I totally cured my anxiety with meditation, you should give it a try!”

It can hurt. Like, it’s physically painful.

It’s not just nerves. It can be dizziness, overheating, chills, increased heartbeat, chest pain, rapid breathing, headaches. It can be constant muscle tension. It can be EXHAUSTING. / Via

A lot of anxious people also struggle with depression.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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Roughly half, actually, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, so you never know exactly what someone is dealing with when they say they have anxiety.

Surprises and spontaneity probably won’t be well-received.


Booze can take the edge off, but that doesn’t mean we want you to put a drink in our hand every time we seem anxious.

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We appreciate the sentiment, but our livers don’t.

Trying to talk us down from anxiety by explaining it’s not rational doesn’t work, even if you’re trying to help.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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We know it’s not rational. If our bodies cared about what was rational, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

We probably assume you like us less than you do.

We probably assume you like us less than you do.

If you think your friend with social anxiety is undervaluing your friendship, they’re probably just underestimating it. Seriously, studies have been done to back this up. Stating explicitly that you consider them a friend might save them the trouble of tailspinning into an existential crisis about your relationship.

Don’t be weirded out if we take something insignificant personally, because we overanalyze everything.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better / Via

Did you not see me when I waved at you or were you ignoring me? Is it me you’re vague-Tweeting about? Why did you end your text with a period instead of a poop emoji?????

Little things add up, so it might seem like we freak out over nothing sometimes.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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Whatever tiny thing we’re stressing over is most definitely the tip of a larger, more anxiety-ridden iceberg.

As a general rule, please don’t take it personally.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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Haven’t heard from us in a few days? We left a party without saying goodbye? We never showed up at all? Probably not personal.

Sharing what we’re going through is a big sign of trust.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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And also a sign that we care about you enough that we want you to know what’s going on with us.

Especially because sometimes, we feel so annoying we can’t stand it.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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Like, serious burdens.

We don’t need to be treated like we’re fragile but we so, so appreciate small efforts to make us more comfortable.

21 Things That Will Help You Understand Your Socially Anxious Friends So Much Better

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No one with social anxiety wants to be coddled, but taking the time to understand what they’re going through basically makes you the best friend ever. So thank you.

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