“Simply put, it scares me! But seeing sweet life radiating from the eyes of others that are flying above the struggle gives me hope and peace.”

Randy Bacon’s ongoing photo series Sweet Life is a deeply moving look at those who have faced cancer head-on with an incredible amount of strength and perseverance.

Randy Bacon

Randy tells BuzzFeed about his powerful photo series:

“Several years ago, the Hulston Cancer Center approached me to document survivors for a permanent exhibit in their hospital. I quickly decided that I didn’t want to focus on the pain, scars, and anguish of the disease.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“I wanted to portray the hope, love, strength, and even joy in the midst of the battle. Thus, Sweet Life was born.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon


20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“I approached my subjects with a fact that is so easy to forget — that life is a miracle and each and every one of us is important, with a life and story that matters.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“To date, I’ve photographed over 50 cancer survivors, and the number still continues to grow. What I’ve noticed as a thread that links all of the survivors is the belief that life is a gift.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“When one is faced with the cold, hard reality that you literally may die soon, it separates what is truly important in life and what is not.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“Things that seemed so important previously, such as pursuing the American Dream, accumulating wealth, and the myriad of other ‘me’ pursuits, now all seem frivolous and worthless.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“On the other hand, your loved ones, helping others, and living each day to the fullest become priceless.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“It hits you in the gut with the reality that I too am not immortal. That at some time, I will face a life-or-death struggle.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“Simply put, it scares me! But seeing sweet life radiating from the eyes of others that are flying above the struggle gives me hope and peace.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon


“That’s why this project is so important to me — because we all face hard circumstances in life and that includes me!”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon


“Whether it’s dealing with cancer, another serious illness, divorce, loss of your job, unfulfilled dreams, addictions, mental illness, tragic accident, and on and on and on — we all deal with something.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“So to see people that are radiating hope, love, strength, and joy smack-dab in the middle of the battle is inspiring and empowering.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

“Ultimately, we are all in this together and we need this message.”

20 Empowering Portraits That Prove Love Is Stronger Than Cancer

Randy Bacon

To view more of Randy’s work, check out his website at randybacon.com.

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