Nothing butt moves for your best asset.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Ok. Butt workouts. Let’s do this.

These workouts were designed for BuzzFeed Life by Holly Perkins C.S.C.S., author of Lift to Get Lean and the founder of Women’s Strength Nation.

For more info on how to do the moves in these workouts, go .

Workout one:

Workout one:

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Do as many reps of each movement as is safely possible in the time allotted.

For more info on how to do the moves in this workout, go .

Here's Exactly How To Work Out Your Butt In Just 10 Minutes

Logo TV / Via

Workout two:

Workout two:

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Do as many reps of each movement as is safely possible in the time allotted.

For more info on how to do the moves in this workout, go .

Here's Exactly How To Work Out Your Butt In Just 10 Minutes

Workout three:

Workout three:

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Do as many reps of each movement as is safely possible in the time allotted.

For more info on how to do the moves in this workout, go .

Here's Exactly How To Work Out Your Butt In Just 10 Minutes

NBC / Via

Last thing:

Perform each move as quickly as is safely possible, but remember that good form is way more important than how many reps you do (both for safety and for results!).

Worth noting: As with any new workout regimen, be sure to talk to your doctor before you get started, especially if you have preexisting injuries or mobility problems.

Thumbnail via Thinkstock.

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