We asked for the science questions you didn’t want your name attached to, and now we’re answering them.

A while ago we asked for your (anonymous) embarrassing science questions.

We’ve answered some of the and ones about . Now we’re tackling sex. All questions are pretty much as we received them.

“Can being in a hot tub get you pregnant?”


Nope, because sperm can’t take the heat. BuzzFeed Life spoke to Dr Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, for . She said that if the water temperature is hotter than average body temperature (37ºC or 98.6ºF), sperm will die.

So even if someone literally just ejaculated into the hot tub before you got in (which, ew) the sperm would be dead before they get anywhere close to ~making a baby~.

“During sex, can the penis get stuck in a vagina?”

8 Of Your Embarrassing Sex Questions, Answered With Science


8 Of Your Embarrassing Sex Questions, Answered With Science



Yes – but it’s rare, and usually fixes itself within a few minutes.

It probably happens because of contractions in a woman’s pelvic muscles when she orgasms. “Sometimes, the contractions cause the vaginal walls to clamp down on the penis, making it difficult for the man to withdraw,” according to the Sexual Medicine Society of North America.

On very rare occasions medical assistance can be needed. In response to a letter published in the British Medical Journal in 1979 that speculated that the predicament, known as “penis captivus”, was no longer a thing, Dr Brendan Musgrave wrote:

The year was 1947 and the case occurred when I was a houseman at the Royal Isle of Wight County Hospital. I can distinctly remember the ambulance drawing up and two young people, a honeymoon couple I believe, being carried on a single stretcher into the casualty department. An anaesthetic was given to the female and they were discharged later-the same morning.

“Why do guys have morning wood?”

8 Of Your Embarrassing Sex Questions, Answered With Science

Fox / Via gifbay.com

The scientific name for morning wood is “nocturnal penile tumescence”, and it doesn’t actually have anything to do with sex. It’s just part of a normal sleep cycle.

One explanation of morning wood is that during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, your body turns off some neurotransmitters. When neurotransmitter noradrenaline decreases, blood flow to the penis increases – causing an erection.

You actually have several instances of REM sleep per night, so probably have several nighttime erections. And it doesn’t just happen to men: Women have to the vagina and get clitoral erections during REM sleep, too.

“Does pineapple make you taste better down there?”

"Does pineapple make you taste better down there?"

Remains / ThinkStock

This myth has been around for what seems like forever and has sparked a ton of Yahoo Answers. But there’s no evidence for pineapples making your vagina (well, vulva) taste “better”, family physician Dr Djinge Lindsay told BuzzFeed for this post of . And there’s no scientific evidence (though plenty of anecdotal evidence) that pineapple makes semen taste better either.

Basically, if you’re worried about a weird or strong smell coming from down there, you should see your doctor rather than stock up on pineapples. But if you just want to try eating some pineapple to see if it does anything for your partner, don’t let us stand in your way.

<img src="http://pharmacypedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ampx1f481-14299092501.png" alt="

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