Warning: Side effects include a sudden urge to flex in front of every mirror you see.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

Are you ready for arms that do amazing things? Here’s a simple workout that can help you out.

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms



This workout has five moves, with 10 to 12 reps per move. You repeat the circuit four times total. You’re gonna need some dumbbells and a bit of floor space. For each move, choose a weight that’s challenging, but not TOO heavy — you want to have perfect form for every single rep. For more info on these tips and perfect form, go .

OK, go!

Dumbbell Floor Press

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed

Lower the weights slowly, let your elbows rest on the floor for one second, and then press up explosively.

Do 10 to 12 reps.

Dumbbell Bent-Over Row

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed

Keep your back flat and row the dumbbells up and back toward the body and into the ribs.

Do 10 to 12 reps.

Lying Overhead Triceps Extension

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed

Keep the elbows still and lower the dumbbells slowly until they’re just above your temples.

Do 10 to 12 reps.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed

Keep your back flat and pull your arms up and out as your squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Do 10 to 12 reps.

Standing Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed

Stand tall and keep your abs tight as you curl the dumbbells up, squeezing your biceps.

Do 10 to 12 reps.

Now take a 30-second rest. Then do this whole thing three more times (for four total circuits). And boom! Arms.

Here's An Amazing And Simple Dumbbell Workout For Your Arms

Focus Features / d20crit.tumblr.com


This workout was designed for BuzzFeed Life by personal trainer and founder of ReModel Fitness, Jessi Kneeland, NASM.

Special thanks to our fitness models Noelle Nieva (move 4), Edgar Sanchez (moves 2 and 3), and Rachel Wilkerson Miller (moves 1 and 5).

Noelle Nieva’s Supernova Three-Quarter Tights provided by Adidas. And special thanks to Rogue Fitness for providing dumbbells.

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